Barefoot Studio Pictures is currently developing a reading series for writers working on full-length and short screenplays.
In the meantime, here's a look back at Francisco's work with BSP theatrical company, BTC!
Barefoot Theatre Company's
Does A Tiger Wear A Necktie?
Reviewed by Victor Gluck for BACKSTAGE
July 2002
In the 33 years since the late Don Petersen's "Does A Tiger Wear A Necktie?" opened on Broadway, all that has changed is that language in the theatre has become rawer. And despite the years that have passed since Al Pacino won a Tony Award as the troubled and violent teenager, Bickham, this role still has the power to unnerve.
Michael LoPorto's production for the Barefoot Theatre Company is powerful, engrossing, and commanding. There's not a loose link in the large cast of 19. Along with set designer Eun-Chung Yoon, he keeps the action close to the audience, which only serves to intensify the drama.
Although the play is described as dramatizing the effect of one English teacher on his students in the racially charged atmosphere of an island narcotics rehabilitation center, it is actually the role of the violent student, Bickham, that is the star part. Just as Pacino did before him, Francisco Solorzano dominates the stage and all his scenes. His Bickham is dangerous, scary, and commanding. His bravura star turn alone makes this evening memorable.

Yoon's classroom setting with its graffiti and recognizable furniture gives the production an air of verisimilitude, as do Victoria Malvagno's costumes. It's hard to believe that this is this first New York revival since the original 1969 production for this pertinent, powerful play.
Does A Tiger Wear A Necktie? by Don Petersen was presented at the Looking Glass Theater in New York City during July/Aug 2002.
*Mark von Sternberg is also a Barefoot Theatre Company Ensemble Member.